
Listen to the testimony of Caroline (life coach), whom I accompanied for several months in individual “Intuition” sessions.

Directly on her website :

Podcast | How To Connect To Your Inner Truth Part 1 Girafe Coaching: Testimonials

Or on Spotify :

« An inner voice session with Marie is a liberating and energizing moment. Marie’s gentle voice helped my inner voice to come to light and gently introduce itself to me. A true moment of connection with my soul and pure, intense divine magic. » Alexandra (translated)

« Marie was wonderful and sounded like a seasoned pro, just a few weeks after being certified as an Inner Voice Facilitator. She was calm and confident and knew exactly where to take me. She sensed immediately when I remained in my mind at the beginning of the session, accompanying me to “find” my inner voice more easily. She had great visual techniques and exercises to help me address and relieve tensions and I really appreciated how she guided me to focus on my daily physical and mental well-being at the end of the session. I left feeling peaceful and centered, which I was particularly grateful for in a period of stress and uncertainty. I recommend Marie wholeheartedly! » Liza

« I loved the timbre and rhythm of your voice, which accompanied me like a patient friend right there with me. I felt confident right from the start, and didn’t feel any apprehension. I let myself be guided by the flow of your voice. Great moments of fullness and joy throughout my body. A great release, an immense presence with me. » Jeanne (translated)

« I really liked the fact that you vocalized your exhalations throughout the session, it invited me to do the same and as a result it really helped me to relax and connect with myself. I really liked the advice you gave me to move the way I felt. It’s all very subjective, but I had the feeling that you understood me perfectly, the images I was receiving, what I was saying and so on. » Anne Cecile (translated)

«Fabulous journey with Marie, whose accompaniment of openness, gentleness and generosity guided me towards greater depth, connection and understanding. » Coralie (translated)

« I was impressed by my connection with my VI, finding it much more fluid than the first time. I was much more relaxed and confident. I didn’t realize we still had so much to talk about, even though I do regular meditations! It showed me how I could really consult her for all life’s little problems, as well as the big ones. » Anne Cecile (translated)