
Book your free 30-minute discovery call with Marie :

“I accompany women (especially Wellness entrepreneurs) who are experiencing a block in their creativity, to reconnect with their Intuition and (re)become the vibrant artists of their lives!”

As of January 2024, I’m offering a new type of individual coaching, called “Cré’Ames“. This brings together all my different passions and artistic and human “tools”, in the service of connecting with oneself and one’s creativity. Yoga, music, intuition, song, dance, writing, meditation and oracles are woven together and combined over the course of each session, in a skilful blend, adapted and tailored to each person’s needs and wishes. The content is therefore open-ended: it’s possible to explore certain tools rather than others, or to combine several of them in a single session (e.g. Yoga first, then connection to intuition; or singing practice, then moving on to meditation practice; or piano and movement… then evolve according to your own unique and personal rhythm, over the course of the sessions). For more information on connecting to intuition:

The “Cré’Ames” program consists of 8 sessions and lasts 4 months.

Each session lasts between 1h15 and 1h30, to allow for greater depth.

The cost of this accompaniment is 1200 CHF/EUR (payment possible in 2 or 3 instalments).

The space between 2 sessions is 2 weeks, sometimes 3 if necessary. We adapt to your progress to give you time to integrate and practice independently between appointments. Sessions take place face-to-face in my studio, or online on Zoom.

My intention with this “Cré’Ames” accompaniment is to OPEN up a space of TRUST between you and me, so that, once you’ve set the markers, you can let the accompaniment evolve freely in its content, tailor-made for you, giving you the chance to explore tools/practices you wouldn’t have considered at the outset (and thus new dimensions of yourself). Let your heart and your creativity awaken, let your intuition, your inner voice, guide you. I’ll be there, by your side, to facilitate and accompany this beautiful process at work!

In addition to the individual sessions, you’ll have access to “Marie’s Cabin“, my library of online content (Yoga courses, Meditations, Music, Intuitive and Creative Journeys), if you’d like to practice. And, of course, I’ll be on hand to answer any questions you may have, via Whatsapp audio or in writing.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a free, no-obligation initial discussion, if you feel like it and your intuition invites you! I’ll be happy to answer your questions and listen to your wishes.

Book your free appointment for a 30-minute discovery call with Marie :

Marie Kohler : 076 530 45 50 or